ASML stock fundamentals - financials


  • accounts Payable 0
  • cash Change 7,229,603,064
  • cash Flow 797,239,655
  • cash Flow Financing --995,571,495
  • changes In Inventories 8,033,254,544
  • changes In Receivables 5,220,637,379
  • common Stock 394,500,000
  • cost Of Revenue 3,622,137,093
  • currency USD
  • current Assets 22,887,820,251
  • current Cash 7,229,603,064
  • current Debt 0
  • current Long Term Debt 0
  • depreciation 185,073,491
  • ebit 2,441,057,407
  • ebitda 2,626,130,899
  • filing Type 6-K
  • fiscal Date 2023-04-02
  • fiscal Quarter 1
  • fiscal Year 2023
  • goodwill 4,950,797,403
  • gross Profit 3,709,294,428
  • income Tax 328,850,490
  • intangible Assets 884,288,315
  • interest Income 0
  • inventory 8,033,254,544
  • long Term Debt 3,842,747,303
  • long Term Investments 15,308,827,125
  • minority Interest 0
  • net Borrowings --5,791,181,025
  • net Income 2,125,465,265
  • net Income Basic 2,125,465,265
  • net Tangible Assets 4,800,173,880
  • operating Expense 4,935,148,205
  • operating Income 2,396,283,316
  • operating Revenue 7,331,431,521
  • other Assets 1,560,029,342
  • other Current Assets 2,404,325,264
  • other Current Liabilities 18,418,344,336
  • other Income Expense Net 0
  • other Liabilities 5,300,296,139
  • pretax Income 2,454,315,755
  • property Plant Equipment 4,732,578,042
  • receivables 5,220,637,379
  • report Date 2023-04-19
  • research And Development 1,030,130,138
  • retained Earnings 0
  • revenue 7,331,431,521
  • selling General And Admin 282,880,974
  • shareholder Equity 10,635,259,597
  • short Term Debt 0
  • short Term Investments 2,404,325,264
  • symbol ASML
  • total Assets 38,196,647,376
  • total Cash 7,229,603,064
  • total Debt 3,842,747,303
  • total Investing Cash Flows --474,366,289
  • total Liabilities 27,561,387,779
  • total Revenue 7,331,431,521
  • treasury Stock 0
  • key ASML
  • subkey quarterly
  • date 2023-04-02
  • updated 2023-04-27