PLTR stock fundamentals - income


  • cost Of Revenue 107,645,000
  • currency USD
  • ebit 4,115,000
  • filing Type 10-Q
  • fiscal Date 2023-03-31
  • fiscal Quarter 1
  • fiscal Year 2023
  • gross Profit 417,541,000
  • income Tax 1,681,000
  • interest Income --19,578,000
  • minority Interest 2,349,000
  • net Income 16,802,000
  • net Income Basic 16,802,000
  • operating Expense 521,071,000
  • operating Expense 521,071,000
  • operating Income 4,115,000
  • other Income Expense Net 0
  • pretax Income 20,832,000
  • report Date 2023-05-09
  • research And Development 90,100,000
  • selling General And Admin 323,326,000
  • symbol PLTR
  • total Revenue 525,186,000
  • id INCOME
  • key PLTR
  • subkey quarterly
  • date 2023-03-31
  • updated 2023-05-17