TSM stock fundamentals - financials


  • accounts Payable 1,520,347,561
  • cash Change 52,149,152,462
  • cash Flow 12,649,638,641
  • cash Flow Financing --2,117,452,962
  • changes In Inventories 7,094,663,631
  • changes In Receivables 4,863,709,963
  • common Stock 5,185,817,600
  • cost Of Revenue 7,293,796,779
  • currency USD
  • current Assets 65,530,373,339
  • current Cash 52,149,152,462
  • current Debt 263,996,060
  • current Long Term Debt 263,996,060
  • depreciation 3,622,480,412
  • ebit 7,625,344,439
  • ebitda 11,247,824,851
  • filing Type 6-K
  • fiscal Date 2023-03-31
  • fiscal Quarter 1
  • fiscal Year 2023
  • goodwill 0
  • gross Profit 9,407,335,146
  • income Tax 1,225,608,110
  • intangible Assets 797,794,746
  • interest Income --349,747,233
  • inventory 7,094,663,631
  • long Term Debt 29,051,716,420
  • long Term Investments 100,151,594,993
  • minority Interest 481,485,470
  • net Borrowings --24,256,287,265
  • net Income 6,796,472,202
  • net Income Basic 6,796,472,202
  • net Tangible Assets 100,277,035,545
  • operating Expense 9,109,897,385
  • operating Income 7,591,234,539
  • operating Revenue 16,701,131,924
  • other Assets 1,764,367,821
  • other Current Assets 1,422,847,282
  • other Current Liabilities 26,883,852,753
  • other Income Expense Net 0
  • other Liabilities 6,381,901,163
  • pretax Income 8,020,848,166
  • property Plant Equipment 93,035,524,237
  • receivables 4,863,709,963
  • report Date 2023-05-12
  • research And Development 1,285,734,230
  • retained Earnings 80,177,990,373
  • revenue 16,701,131,924
  • selling General And Admin 530,366,376
  • shareholder Equity 101,074,830,291
  • short Term Debt 263,996,060
  • short Term Investments 1,422,847,282
  • symbol TSM
  • total Assets 165,681,968,332
  • total Cash 52,149,152,462
  • total Debt 29,315,712,480
  • total Investing Cash Flows --8,938,821,043
  • total Liabilities 64,607,138,041
  • total Revenue 16,701,131,924
  • treasury Stock 0
  • key TSM
  • subkey quarterly
  • date 2023-03-31
  • updated 2023-05-21